Friday, June 21, 2013

Day Trip: Miaoli 苗栗

Today was the first day trip and probably won’t be the last. I went to the county of Miaoli with Lana and the Landlord of my building who showed us around the Miaoli Hakka Cultural Museum. The cultural museum serves as preservation of the Hakka culture and awareness of the Hakka people. It was really interesting to see how they lived, the handcrafts they made, and their culture. From all the embroidery to the delicate painting it was all impressive I could appreciate all their hard work and the time it took to make such beautiful things.

Next was off to find the Longteng Fallen Bridge, back in the museum Lana spotted a picture of this bridge and wanted to go and find the historical bridge. So visiting the Longteng  Fallen Bridge (龍騰斷橋) in Miaoli City  which was amazing to see since in Minnesota  there is no such structure that I have been to. Since the 1930s earthquake took away most of the railway still the support beams for this train bridge are still around. We could walk up to the top of the train tracks and look at just how high the train would have been traveling back in 1906 when it was built. Then they built a new railway close to the old tracks which was closed off so travelers could walk around and look at the new iron tracks.

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